I tumori eredo-familiari
Inoltre: scoperto gene chiave del glioma
You are doing violence to the original, but the people who don’t know the original language can’t get anything from it, so you translate”
L’omeprazolo (antiacido) riduce l’efficacia del clopidogrel (antiaggregante), aumentando il rischio di infarto e ictus.
“The novel principle is that titanium by itself is chemically inert. However, when the particles become progressively smaller, their surface, in turn, becomes progressively bigger and in the interaction of this surface with the environment oxidative stress is induced,” he said. “This is the first comprehensive study of titanium dioxide nanoparticle-induced genotoxicity, possibly caused by a secondary mechanism associated with inflammation and/or oxidative stress. Given the growing use of these nanoparticles, these findings raise concern about potential health hazards associated with exposure.”
(Andiamo bene, le nanoparticelle di TiO2 sono nei dentifrici, integratori, coloranti, cosmetici…)
“Translation is far more than words,” said Hartmann, who specializes in translating German patents. It requires him to understand not only the context of words and phrases, but also the technical and legal issues involved. And his spelling has to be impeccable. The slightest error can cause extraordinary embarrassment.”
(O invece che non far fare l’ora di educazione fisica per punizione, o altre cosette del genere)